BUTEX™ - Natural Pain Relief Anti-Inflammatory Complex
BUTEX™ - Natural Pain Relief Anti-Inflammatory Complex


BUTEX™ is a superior all natural anti-inflammatory formulation consisting of the highest quality nutraceuticals. Top trainers often use ButeX™ as pre-racing or pre-eventing when the use of Bute is not permitted.

ButeX™ is also by far the most powerful anti oxidant formulation on the equine market today. Horses benefit greatly from the use of ButeX™ as they derive physical relief from inflammation associated with the daily rigours of training. Additionally, ButeX™ offers a myriad of benefits on the cellular repair level shielding the body from damaging oxidative stress. Improvements in the horse's aptitude can be readily observed during training as well as competition.

Simply top dress 1 scoop twice per day starting 5 days prior to event. For daily use, top dress 1 scoop twice per day for first 3 days then reduce to 1 scoop per day. Adjust as needed. ButeX™ can also be mixed with 10-15 cc of water and administered orally. Each level scoop contains:

Devil’s Claw Extract...............................1,000 mg
Yucca Extract.........................................1,000 mg
Boswellia Extract...................................... 800 mg
DL Phenylalanine......................................700 mg

Also contains 4,000 mg of PROQUINE’s® proprietary blend of the following extracts: Grape Seed, Pine Bark, Ginger, Turmeric, Rosemary, Arnica, Bromelain and Avocado Pit.

PROQUINE’s® uncompromising commitment to quality

BUTEX™ contains only the purest bioactive ingredients meeting the highest nutritional standards. There are no fillers used in BUTEX™.

*Statements herein have not been reviewed by the FDA
Copyright © 2016. PROQUINE, LLC.